Sunday, September 27, 2015

Blog Post #3

      Shoomp is a great website that has many resources that help students with anything that they need to do well in school. The website is very user friendly, so it is easy to use. When you first go on the website there are different tabs that you can click on depending on what you need. Some will lead to study tools, others to test prep, and there are some that can help you plan out you want to do in the future. Shoomp also has videos on different topics, so if you are having trouble with a subject it is easy to find the video on the subject and try and understand it.
   In chapter 9 they talked about blogs. I would like to use blogs with my students because I feel like it will help them want to write more. Students will be able to post their own ideas and write about topics that are interesting to them and then have people read and comment on their post. Students will also be able to read and comment on other peoples post. There are many different websites that can be used to help students start their own blog. The digital citizenship concepts that will be addressed are student participation in the community because while using blogs people from all over are able to read what the student has written.
    While working on the newsletter assignment I was able to practice using different things on Word. In class I learned a lot of new things that I could use in Word to make my assignments look better, like adding graphics, and I was able to use the things I learned in class in this assignment. I really enjoyed this assignment. Being able to write our own stories was really fun.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Blog Post # 2

    As a student I have used Microsoft Word many times. I use it for things like writing papers, and typing up notes. When I was younger I used Microsoft Word to do many of my projects. I was able to add text and graphics to make them look better. In high school, I took a journalism class and I used Word to write different types of articles and to design magazine covers. My teachers use word to create tests and also to create lesson plans. In the textbook it states that teachers can also use Word Processing to assist students that cannot easily hold a pencil and also those with poor fine motor skills. This will be helpful in the classroom because not every student learns the same way so by using Word it will help them with their coordination. 
    Copyright laws are set in place to protect someone's original work. In my school I had some teachers who would use pictures off the internet on their PowerPoint presentations and sometimes they would play some songs in class for students. I think this would be considered fair use and not copyright because they weren't making profit off of these works and they were using it for educational purposes. In my classroom I would try to make sure that I make sure to develop my own material or only use small pieces of other people's work and give the original credit for their work. For students I would explain the difference between copyright, and fair use, so that they understand that they cannot just take everything they see from the internet and use it as theirs. 
    Since registering for a twitter account I have followed many different types of accounts. I think twitter is great for connecting with other people and learning about what is going on in the world. I have never had a twitter so this is a new experience for me. I am really enjoying using it because I am able to follow accounts that interest me and the one's that are about education have great ideas for things to do in the classroom. I like the fact that our whole class and students from other classes can communicate through twitter. As a teacher I think it would be good to use twitter because it will allow students to communicate not only with each other but other members of our community.