Monday, October 26, 2015

Blog Post #7

Powerpoint is a great tool that can help students learn. If I were teaching students about the different shapes, the powerpoint will reinforce what I will be saying so, it will help them understand the material. By understanding the material, the students will then be able to remember what has been taught to them. If they can understand and remember what is being, in this case shapes, then they can apply it by doing their homework on shapes. By seeing the different shapes in the powerpoint the students will be able to analyze them and organize them into groups. Once they fully grasp the lesson on shapes they will then be able to apply it to other parts of their studies like math, and with that they can do basic geometry.

In chapter 4, it talks about using adaptive technologies for children with exceptionalities. One that I found interesting was talking word processors. This technology is used for students who have poor reading skills. As stated in chapter 4 this specific technology is able to read aloud whatever the student wrote. It can be read as word by word, sentence by sentence, and entire paragraphs and documents. A challenge, that can occur in the classroom, in using adaptive technology is training. Both the student and the teacher need to be able to use this technology efficiently so that it can help the student.

I thought that the web page design assignment was a very interesting assignment. I have never made a website before and thought it was kind of hard. Since there are many different websites online to help with making websites it has become a little easier. I like the fact that we were able to design the website however we wanted. It will be interesting to see how other student designed theirs. I could use this in my future career by creating a website for my class. This way parents can see what is going on in the classroom and students can go on it if they have any questions.

Monday, October 19, 2015

Blog Post# 6

    I looked at the website of Riley Elementary School here in Tallahassee. In this school there are students from kindergarten to 5th grade. While looking through the website I noticed that it had a good color scheme. It only has a few colors so that it does not overwhelm the viewer with too many colors. The links all work properly and the website seems very simple to use. It shows you important information about what is coming up in the next few days and even has announcements. It has tabs for parents and students to look through, which is very important because parents should be involved in the student's education.

     In Chapter 7 it talks about using word processing software. I think that word processing softwares are extremely important. They allows to do so many things like create documents, organize data, and correct spelling mistakes. This is a great technology for me to use since I want to be teacher. It can help me create lesson plans and many other things. Also, students will have to learn how to use a word processing software to of homework or assignments. Chapter 7 also talks about classroom management software which I found very interesting. It assists educators in accomplishing the many task associated with the day to day management of their classroom. 
    I really enjoyed working on the web evaluations project. I had never used a wiki before and I think it is a great way to do group projects. In my other classes we have done group projects but it is very hard for us to meet up because of our different schedules but with the wiki we are able to put down all our information and work on it together online. I think this is a great resource to use in the classroom because it will allow students to work better in groups.


Monday, October 12, 2015

Blog Post# 5

       As stated in the Podcast some web 2.0 technologies are blogs and youtube. I think that blogs are very useful because they allow students to share their ideas. Blogs make students more excited about writing because it's a different way of writing. Students are also able to comment on other student's blogs so that they can also get ideas from others. Blogs are a great way to communicate with students in the classroom and it will help them learn about others in their community who also have blogs. YouTube is also a great web 2.0 technology that can be used in the classroom. In the Podcast it talks about how teachers can use youtube in the classroom to show examples of things. In many of my classes many of my teachers have used youtube as a way to share information. In our textbook it talk about the different equipment needed to share information. The equipment needed for blogs and youtube would just be a regular computer with internet so that the student would be able to get online and access these technologies.

       YouTube is an interesting web 2.0 technology. Many people think that youtube is only for entertainment purposes and not supposed to be used in the classrooms. I used to think that way but then I found out the youtube has a lot more than funny cat videos and cool makeup tutorials. Youtube has many video tutorials on a variety of subjects. If you are having trouble in math in particular you can go on youtube and find a video on what ever you are learning at the moment.

    I would use this in the classroom when explaining a difficult topic. Students learn in different ways so it is good to expose the students to different forms of learning. For some students it might not be enough to stand there and explain to them something but if you can find a youtube video on the subject or a tutorial it would make it easier so that the students are able to understand it.

    While working on the concept map I learned a lot about using Word to create a concept map. There are so many different things that it will allow you to customize. I really enjoyed this assignment because this is a great skill to have. When you create a concept map it organizes ideas in a more compact way. It is also easier to present information in a concept map. There wasn't really anything that I disliked about the concept map I thought it was a fun assignment. I can use this when working in the classroom. I think it will make things easier to understand for students.

Monday, October 5, 2015

Blog Post #4

Standard: MAFS.3.G.1.1

Understand that shapes in different categories (e.g., rhombuses, rectangles, and others) may share attributes (e.g., having four sides), and that the shared attributes can define a larger category (e.g., quadrilaterals). Recognize rhombuses, rectangles, and squares as examples of quadrilaterals, and draw examples of quadrilaterals that do not belong to any of these subcategories.

In chapter 8 it talks about using tutorials which are self-contained lessons. I think that tutorials would be great to use in the classroom because sometime students have a hard time learning specific topics so tutorials would be good for them. As stated in chapter 8, tutorials are able to give students control of the pace of instruction. Khan academy is a website that has many tutorials for students, they try to make learning different subjects fun and easier to understand.

I believe that using the internet to support student research is very important. The internet has a lot of information and you can look it up by just typing a few word into a search engine. It is very useful because if a student is researching a specific subject they can look it up on the internet and find the information they need. The only thing students should be careful about is using unreliable resources. The internet can be full of relevant information but it can also have a lot of false information. Students just need to make sure that they are researching their topic to a great extent to make sure that the information that they find is correct. 

For me, I first do a regular search go my topic and see what pops up. Then, I read through some of the websites and gather information from there. I also try to find websites that are known for being credible; New York Times, or Huffington Post are some of the ones I like using. I also look for the author, date, writing style, and sources of the website. These can give you an idea if the website is credible or not. In the podcast it does talk about seeing if the website has an author, and talks a little about the writing style like if the grammar is correct. 

While working on the Web Hunt I learned about the different standards. I thought it was an interesting assignment that provided us with the opportunity to get more familiar with the different types of standards that there are. Web hunt challenges: 1.Your students are learning about the water cycle find a website that illustrates the water cycle. 2. Your students are learning about geometric figures. Find a tutorial that would help the students with this lesson.