Monday, November 23, 2015

Independent Learning Project 2

Activity Log:

I logged on to at 5:30 and looked for a tutorial that I wanted to watch. I found an iMovie tutorial for videos which I found interesting. I started watching it at 5:45 and finished a part at around 6:28.


For my second independent learning project I decided to watch a tutorial on In this website, you can find tons on tutorials on different things like video editing, photoshop, design, photography, etc... I watched a tutorial on video editing on a program called iMovie. I have a mac, and they usually come with iMovie, but I never really had to use it. This tutorial taught me how to import the video from my camera, and then showed me how to create a project. Once you create a project you can start editing your videos. The tutorial showed me many tips on how to put the clips together and cut out the parts you don't want.

Products/ Evidence:

I learned a lot while watching this tutorial. This winter break I plan to go on vacation and take lots of video footage of the places I visit. Its great that I can now put it all together in a cool looking video.

Independent Learning Project 1

Activity Log:

For my first independent learning project I watched a ted talk on 3d printing. I went to the Ted Talk website at 1:40. I searched for a video and found one that I was interested in which talked about 3d printing it was called "What's next in 3D printing". I started watching the video at 1:50 and completed watching the video at 1:59. Throughout the video, I took some notes about the different things that 3d printing can do.


The Ted Talk I watched was called 'What's Next In 3D Printing." It talked about the different things that 3D printers can do and why they are important for our future. There was one part that I found really interesting, it was about this girl who was paralyzed but by using 3D printing they were able to make her a suit that allowed her to walk. The guy in the video was saying how he wanted to created things just like his grandfather, who was a cobbler, did. He was even wearing 3D printed shoes. Something that surprised me was that you can make edible things with a 3D printer. In the video, it showed a cake with a teddy bear on top. It was all completely edible. I love to bake so and create new things so I think that this is a great use for 3D printing.


Watching this video allowed me to see the different uses for 3D printing. I would like to use this technology in the future. When I become a teacher I would like to use 3D printing to show my students psychical examples of somethings that we will be learning, this way it can be a more visual and hands on experience for them.

Monday, November 16, 2015

Blog Post #10

  •    This weeks assignment was a little bit difficult because we had to create a quiz using powerpoint. This is something that I had never done before so I didn't know what to expect. Once I started it got easier and it became really fun. I liked that we could make a quiz about whatever we wanted. I made a quiz on Greys Anatomy. It's one of my favorite shows and I thought it would be cool to make up a quick quiz on it. I think I can use this while teaching a lecture. The whole class can do the quizzes together so that it can be more fun.

          I would use data collection tools a lot. In class we learned about using surveys to get feedback from students. I think this is a great idea and I would love to use it in my classroom. Since I will be teaching elementary school students, I don't think that they would be able to complete the surveys, unless I teach the older students. I think that instead of using surveys for students I could use it for the parents and see what they think about the homework that I will be giving. I could also find out a little more about what students are doing at home, like how many hours they spend reading, or doing homework.

        I am enjoying blogs more and more since I started using them. I think it is a great way to share ideas, and communicate with people outside of your community. While looking through my classmates blogs, I like how they each have a different opinion even though we are all writing about the same topic.

        I am interested in continuing to learn about excel because it has always been a mystery to me. I have tried to use it a few times but I'm not very good at it. I found today's lecture to be very interesting because I didn't know that you could do so many things with excel. I didn't even really know what it was used for.

        I think I will just play around with excel a little bit more. This way I can get used to it, and learn everything that I can do with it. Knowing how to use excel is a great skill to have for future jobs, so I think that it is very important for me to try an learn everything that I can about it.

Monday, November 9, 2015

Blog Post #9

As stated in chapter 10, the flipped classroom is a classroom where instead of getting a lecture in class and homework later, you watch or listen to the lectures at home and then discuss them in the classroom. I think this is a very interesting way of teaching. It puts a lot more pressure on the student to be able to watch the lectures, and then try and understand the information given. I think that it might also make learning easier sometimes, because you already have an idea of what is going to be happening in class. You also get to be in control of how you learn.

In the podcast it says that professional development is what teachers learn throughout their years of teaching. Before teachers would attend conferences and classes at colleges to learn new things. Usually they were already scheduled at a specific time even though that time might not be convenient for you. Today, these are still ways to develop professionally, they allow you to interact with different people and are a great learning experience.

Now there are a lot of other opportunities for teachers to learn new things by using technology. For example, Blog, or webinars. Blogs are very useful because when teachers blog about their classroom, they can give tips and tricks to newer teachers so that they can run their classes more efficiently. Webinars are also great because they are online and you can go on whenever you would like, which can make scheduling very easy. There are a lot of free websites that have webinars and go over new things regarding teaching.

I really enjoyed this assignment. Since I want to become an elementary school teacher when I'm older this is a great skill to have. I can use a powerpoint like this to teach a lesson on anything, and they are very convenient. You just need to write up a few points you want to talk about and elaborate on them. I really liked how we were able to chooses whatever we wanted to put on the powerpoint because it gives us a lot of creative freedom to do what we would like with it, while also learning about the basics of powerpoint.

Monday, November 2, 2015

Blog Post #8

      In chapter 12 it talks about Cloud Computing. I believe that this hold the biggest promise for education because it allows people to store and share data. This is great because if students are working together on something they can use cloud computing to make it easier for them to share the information and edit it. According to chapter 12, cloud computing enables students to share research, and collaborate on experiments. I really enjoy working in group projects because I can hear other peoples opinions on our assignments, so I think that cloud computing would be something I use in my classrooms in the future. 

     I think that smart boards would make a huge impact on education. Smart boards are being used today in some classrooms. A smart board in an interactive whiteboard. It helps make students engaged in what they are learning in class. There are many things you can do with a smart board like play games with the students that will help reinforce what they have been learning in the classroom. 

The podcast talk about the digital divide. Digital divide just means that there are some people who have technology, like computers, available to them, and others who don't. I have computers and technology available to me. I have my own personal laptop, and I am able to go to the library for other technological resources I might need. I think that there are still a lot of people out there that do not have access to a computer or other technologies, so it is hard for them to understand how to use them and get the information that they might need. In the schools there should be computer labs, so I would take my students there and show them how to use it.