Monday, November 23, 2015

Independent Learning Project 1

Activity Log:

For my first independent learning project I watched a ted talk on 3d printing. I went to the Ted Talk website at 1:40. I searched for a video and found one that I was interested in which talked about 3d printing it was called "What's next in 3D printing". I started watching the video at 1:50 and completed watching the video at 1:59. Throughout the video, I took some notes about the different things that 3d printing can do.


The Ted Talk I watched was called 'What's Next In 3D Printing." It talked about the different things that 3D printers can do and why they are important for our future. There was one part that I found really interesting, it was about this girl who was paralyzed but by using 3D printing they were able to make her a suit that allowed her to walk. The guy in the video was saying how he wanted to created things just like his grandfather, who was a cobbler, did. He was even wearing 3D printed shoes. Something that surprised me was that you can make edible things with a 3D printer. In the video, it showed a cake with a teddy bear on top. It was all completely edible. I love to bake so and create new things so I think that this is a great use for 3D printing.


Watching this video allowed me to see the different uses for 3D printing. I would like to use this technology in the future. When I become a teacher I would like to use 3D printing to show my students psychical examples of somethings that we will be learning, this way it can be a more visual and hands on experience for them.

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